We are so glad you are here! We are a nondenominational, Bible-based church committed to loving God and loving people. No matter where you are on your journey, you belong here. With something for everyone, there is a place for you to connect and grow in our community.
On your first visit, we invite you to stop by the Welcome Desk where free t-shirts and a welcome bag are waiting for you! Additionally, complimentary study Bibles are available in the Worship Center near the doors—feel free to take one before you leave!
On your first visit, we invite you to stop by the Welcome Desk where free t-shirts and a welcome bag are waiting for you! Additionally, complimentary study Bibles are available in the Worship Center near the doors—feel free to take one before you leave!
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
8:30 + 10:15 AM
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 1 hour + 15 minutes. Our gatherings are welcoming and relaxed. Arrive early for a cup of coffee and conversation. Dress up, or dress down. Come as you are! Our music is mostly contemporary and sometimes includes hymns. Communion is celebrated weekly, and everyone is invited to participate. We pray together, and we open up the Bible to discover truths that apply to our lives today.
next gen
Teaching the next generation to follow Jesus and develop a personal relationship with Him is at the heart of what we do. We offer engaging programs for children and youth ages 1 through 12th grade, providing a strong foundation in faith. See below for more information on how your child can get involved!
What do you offer for youth?
Great question! We offer Kids Church for ages 1-5th grade, and 180 Youth for those in grades 6-12.
What is Kids Church?
After everyone starts together in the sanctuary with singing, kids 1 year- Pre K go to our fun play room, and kids in grades K-5 go to classrooms with trusted teachers and helpers for interactive lessons. It's so much fun, we are pretty sure your kids will want to come to church!
When is Kids Church available?
Kids Church is available during the 8:30 + 10:15 services on Sundays!
What is 180 Youth?
180 Youth is our Youth Group program, available for those in grades 6-12.
When and where does 180 Youth meet?
180 Youth meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:00PM in the 180 Youth room at Christ Chapel.
I don't attend Christ Chapel. Can I still come to 180 Youth?
Anyone in grades 6-12 is welcome to join us at 180 Youth! You do not have to attend Christ Chapel to come. We would love to have you!
It's my kids' first time. What do I need to do?
For Kids Church, ages 1-5th grade, you can pre-register HERE. Then check in every week before service at one of our kiosks in the church foyer.
For 180 Youth, grades 6-12, no pre-registration is required. Just show up!
For 180 Youth, grades 6-12, no pre-registration is required. Just show up!
More than just sundays
Life happens in community. Through our connection groups, we encourage each other to stay on course, inspire one another to be better, and provide support during difficult times. Find one that is right for you.